Wednesday 19 February 2014

To GAPS or not to GAPS...

Ever since starting on our real food journey, about a year ago, I have frequently come across bloggers and articles extolling the virtues of the GAPS diet. (Gut And Psychology Syndrome) 

The creator, Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride, developed this diet to treat her autistic son, and has treated many thousands of patients with digestive issues. 

If you have never heard of it, the basic premise is that as 85% of our immune system is in our gut, an awful lot of the diseases and problems we have in our modern society can be directly relate to our diet. She believes that by resetting the body's natural defenses, with fresh natural food, lots of good animal fats, and pro-biotics, along with mineral rich homemade bone broths, and homemade ferments, then a great deal of these issues will resolve themselves.

Now, I don't have any digestive issues at present that would warrant NEEDING to go on the GAPS diet, I want to be as healthy as I can be, and, as I have started to notice a difference when I eat any form of processed food, (including a yummy bar of chocolate last weekend, that REALLY disagreed with me :( ) then I just get the feeling that it would benefit me to do it.

Boo has been listening to me talking to DH, who wont even entertain a grain/ starch free diet, and has shown an interest in doing it with me, so we may begin in the near future. (I need to get the book first, that always helps!!) 

Our dilemma though, is do we do the introduction diet, which is very restrictive, of just go onto the main GAPS diet?

As we have no real digestive issues, I look at the intro diet, and think we may not need it, but on the other hand, if you are going to do something like this, you might as well do it all. The intro diet, from what I understand, can be advanced at a pace to suit the individual, too, so if we went through the intro, it might be over in a few weeks. 

But it seems like we have no issues with a lot of the foods that are prohibited on the diet, like my beloved raw milk!!

I know we will have to prepare beforehand, that much advise I have seen, on things like bone broth, pro-biotics, and veggies, eggs and meat.

I have to admit, I am a bit nervous about my staying power, but with Boo by my side, and the fact that the feeling that I need to do it wont leave me, I think we can make it through.

So... Intro, or notro???

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