Monday 17 February 2014

The True Way to Go

Today I attended my first Christian funeral.

I am blessed in my life to not have lost many people close to me and have only attended probably 3 funerals in my life. All of these, though, were before I became a Christian, and were very sad, down affairs, completely devoid of hope. 

A dear friend of mine lost her husband a couple of weeks ago, after a long battle with a myriad of health problems. He was in constant, excruciating pain, and had to have round the clock care, in the end. BUT.... He loved Jesus, and his faith was evident all the way through. He was a calm patient man, and never asked why him, never doubted God's love for him. He and his wife have been such a witness of what faith in God looks like.

His funeral was today, and I have never seen our tiny church so full, of friends, family, church members, doctors, so many people who loved him, and were touched by his life. 

It was sad, especially for his close family, most of whom don't know Jesus. 


I have never been to such a joyous funeral in my life!! His life was celebrated, his faith was celebrated, but most of all, his God was celebrated. A few tears were shed, but mostly there were smiles, stories and songs of Jesus.

I want my funeral to be just like it. 

Help me finish strong Lord.

RIP Mike. Enjoy your mansion, and see you again soon. x 

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I haven't read for a while. I know. But I just thought that I sould let you know that I really liked this post. I'm Catholic and I know that my great-great-auntie's funeral was just as you described here. We were sad that she had passed on but we were glad that her suffering was over and God gave us the peace of mind that we could be able to celebrate and remember the wonderful things she did in her life.

    I also give my condolences to your friend, as it must be very sad for her to have lost someone so dear though it must also be releiving to know someone she loved no longer had to suffer.

    Will read soon, Gabbie
