Wednesday 26 February 2014

If at First You don't Succeed...

So You know I tried to go no 'poo for a while last year?

Yeah, the time I failed miserably? 

Well, after seeing Red from Red and Honey issuing a 1  month no 'poo challenge, I was inspired to try again!! 

It has been irritating me (and my scalp) to be using shampoo again, and, although I love the smell of some commercial shampoos, I hate the thought of what I am doing to my body. I am convinced that if I can make a few transitions in my personal care routine, I will see a huge change in my hormonal reactions! 

Some of these changes include going back to my homemade natural deodorant, changing to cloth mama pads, and.... yep, you guessed it, trying no 'poo again.

The last time I tried it, it took me about 4 weeks to realize that my hard water was not helping the issue. In fact, it was making everything very much worse!! the gunk was driving me up the wall, to the point where I HAD to wash it with shampoo. 

This time, though, I am prepared, and have done a ton of research on the interweb, and I have some more trouble shooting ideas to help me persist this time! (I hope!)

So today is day one. I have boiled up my water, washed with Baking Soda and rinsed with Vinegar, had the slick feeling (this is apparently vital) and even done a little oil treatment, and I feel very clean! (my hair was a grease bucket after 4 days no washing!)

We shall see how we go....

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