Monday 3 February 2014

There's something growing in that there cage....

We have a visitor.

It is a very unwelcome visitor.

Our beautiful Bearded Dragon, Vadar, had a growth. 

We think that it is Yellow fungus, and on researching this nasty visitor, (google, anyone?) our outlook for the little guy was not too good.


We searched some more, and found an alternative, and after speaking to our vet, she said it was worth a try! 

The good thing is, that Vadar seems healthy and happy at the moment, so no sickness or lethargy and he is eating VERY well!! 

It's a good job that he likes his baths, because he will be having plenty of them in the next few weeks!! 

It just made me think though. Haribo was heartbroken when we told him, (it's TECHNICALLY his pet) and what crossed my mind was my mum's mentality. My mother will not have a pet, because you get too attached and then it dies, and you get brokenhearted. And seeing his little face, and the concern he has for his animal, I could, for a split second, see what she means. No mama likes to see her child hurting.


As I look around at all the pets we have, and the animals we want long term, (our dream is a small holding, with chickens, a cow, some rabbits, etc), I would rather experience the temporary heartbreak and the years of joy, companionship and fun that pets bring, than never have one and avoid pain. 

So, animals get sick. So do children. So they cost money. So do children. And spouses. and life. So they need training and clearing up after. So do children. 

Are they the same? Of course not. But the reward of a loyal dog is worth the training time. 
The companionship of a cat is worth the time and effort. The beauty and humor of a tortoise is priceless (and it will probably live longer that you!!) And a boy taking care of his sick dragon warms this mama's heart on a cold winter day :-)

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