Friday 14 June 2013

Back down to earth.....

Took the dogs for a walk to the pet shop this morning. 

Nothing quite like trying to manage 2 boxers, one a puppy, to bring you back down to earth. 

After much thought yesterday, in my deep reverie, I realized that I love my animals, hair, stress, muddy footprints and all, and if my floor is messy, well, I will clean it eventually. 

You see, I have felt pressured to keep a clean house, and felt the weight of guilt when I fail MISERABLY!!!! 

I have a certain tolerance for mess that others may not have, and when it gets to a certain point, even I cant ignore it any more, and I clean up.

My sweetheart is the same, which is half the battle, so I have decided that I will not feel guilty any more for living how WE want to. It might not be to everyone's standards, and there are those in my family and friends who will probably not visit my home because of it, but I am no longer going to stress about other's opinions of me and my home. 

Let me stress, it is not a HOVEL or anything, just some clutter, a little dust and some muddy footprints. The bathroom is cleaned every week, and the vacuuming and dusting is done at LEAST once a week. The bedding is clean, and the kitchen worktops are cleaned several times a day, it's just that we have stuff. Everywhere. I should probably sort it out, and I will. When it gets too much for me to bear. Not before.

There is Lego, paper aeroplanes, hair ties,  stickers and pens all over my house, and I happen to love it. It shows my kids play, create, and live in my house. I prompt them to put their things in their bedrooms, and they know to clear up after themselves, so I feel I am not doing wrong by them. We love our house, even if others don't.

So my dogs brought me back into the real world today, just by being there. By being mine to love and take care of and guide and discipline, just like my kids, except without the smart mouths!!

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